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Time: 20 weeks
Role: Gameplay Programming
Tools: C# and Unity

Purgatory is a 4-player co-operative battle area game. Players can play as one of the four characters based on the horsemen of the apocalypse. They battle waves of increasingly difficult enemies in order to defend their own base. With each kill they gain more souls which can be used to upgrade items and abilities.
Purgatory started as a student project for the Gamelab course in the third year of my bachelor. In this course students from all disciplines (Art, Programming and Design) form groups and work together one day a week on a game project. Purgatory was built with 4 programmers, 3 designers and 7 artists over a time of 14 days. After the gamelab course had finished the game was independently developed further.
My role on this project was to develop most of the systems behind player characters. These systems include player navigation, order handling, ability logic and player character statistics.

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