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Time: 31 Days
Date: Spring 2012
Role: Lead Programmer
Tools: C++ and Ogre3D

In this game you are president of the land 'Oikonomia'. As president you have to wisely spend the tax money collected from your people. If you spend the money wisely and provide the people what they require they will be happy and the land will flourish, if not the people will get unhappy and the land will collapse.
Oikonomia was a commercial project for the Dutch tax office. The game is currently used in Dutch schools raise awareness of why we pay tax money to the government with highschool kids (age 11-16). The game was built by a team of 2 programmers, 3 designers and 3 artists.
My role on this project was to serve as the lead programmer. The main areas within the game I worked on during this project was on gameplay systems and user interface.

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