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Lego Worlds

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Time: 1 year and 9 months
Start Date: January 2016
Role: Junior Game Mechanics Programmer
Tools: C++
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4

LEGO Worlds is an open-world procedurally generated LEGO game. During my time on the development team of LEGO Worlds I have made contributions to several key gameplay systems. These systems include the quest system, integrated world scenarios, terrain editing and various smaller gameplay mechanics.
The quest system allows NPC characters to give the player certain small missions of what they wanted. Examples include characters that want you to herd (or spawn) a number of specific creatures into a specific area, building / painting bricks within a specific area and defending characters from a zombie invasion (*not limited to zombies or invasions). I have implemented the over-arcing quest system for a major part was also responsible for implementing most new quest types when they were requested by designers.
The scenario system allows designers to setup numerous pre-authored scenarios which will be integrated into the terrain during generation time. An example of this system would be a cowboy ranch, which would spawn a small area containing some empty plots, a few props and a cowboy. The player can then interact with the cowboy to complete an entire chain of quests asking the player to populate the ranch with a new barn, create some more props, add some cows and finally paint some grass in the arid desert for the cows that they just added.
I have also helped to maintain and improve the terrain system and the associated tools. This system gives the player the power to change the terrain on a large scale, or with the precision of a single LEGO brick. These tools also allowed the player to place new characters, creatures vehicles and props where-ever they pleased.
Other contributions including building a scenario system allowing for authored scenarios to being placed into the game world complete with their own quest storyline and developing new gameplay mechanics such as the ability to pick up, and throw, small critters found in the game worlds.

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