My name is Phil de Groot and programming video games is a lifelong passion of mine.
This passion for creating video games dates back to when I was around 9 years old. I read about a program called GameMaker in a game magazine and how easy you could create your own games with it. I downloaded GameMaker and started creating simple games using the drag and drop functionality. This was the starting point for me to look differently at video games. I stopped just playing video games and started to think about how certain parts could work on the inside while playing. As time went by I picked up more programming languages and created project which were always games or game related. I studied game programming in the IGAD course at NHTV Breda which taught me the fundamental technology and techniques for programming games. The four years working on my bachelor at IGAD I enjoyed thoroughly and learned something new every day. The great time I experienced during my Bachelor re-confirmed for me that programming (and playing) video games is my passion and that I wanted to contribute in the creation process of games as a programmer.

I don't want to read about some random guy's life story... I just want to see the work he did.